If you would like to know how to get rid of cystitis, there are various home remedies which you can use. These are suitable for mild to moderate cystitis and may even relieve the symptoms of more severe attacks. Firstly, before starting any treatment, it is important to understand the difference between cystitis and a more severe kidney infection.

Methods which show you how to get rid of cystitis will not be suitable if you have a kidney infection. A kidney infection can be a dangerous condition which requires urgent medical attention to avoid the possibility of kidney damage.

If you have cystitis, you will be experiencing some or all of the following symptoms:-

* Pain and /or burning on urination

* A desire to urinate even when there is little urine to pass

* Mild pain in the lower abdomen

* A general feeling of being "unwell"

* Cloudy, strong smelling urine

* A mild fever

The following are symptoms of a kidney infection and you are advised to seek medical attention if you have any or all of these symptoms

* Shivering and a high fever

* Traces of blood in the urine

* Severe abdominal pain

* Pain in the back, usually just above waist height

* Nausea and/or vomiting

Providing that you are satisfied that you have cystitis, you can treat the infection at home. The following self-help steps should help give some relief.

How To Get Rid Of Cystitis

* Drink plenty of water-around 8 glasses per day

* Drink 2 glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice daily (reduce the water if necessary)

* Take a warm bath

* Use a heated pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen

* Avoid tight fitting trousers or panties

* Avoid using perfumed products around the vaginal area

These steps will certainly give some instant relief and drinking plenty may be sufficient to flush the infection from your system. However, this is only in the mildest of circumstances. If you suffer regularly from cystitis, you will no doubt already know your own body and whether the infection might go away without intervention-I know mine never did!


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If the pain has lasted longer than 24 hours, these measures will still help but I would strongly recommend that you take a look at this guaranteed natural remedy which will teach you how to get rid of cystitis completely. You can begin to get rid of even severe pain within a few minutes and most women find that they are completely pain free by the following day. If you are a regular sufferer, this will teach you strategies which will show you both how to prevent repeat attacks and how to get rid of cystitis when it is in the earliest stages to ensure it never develops into a full-blown attack.

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kidney stones: kidney stone relief

Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com