If you would like to know how to get rid of urinary tract infection, there are various self help steps you can take in the comfort of your own home. These are very simple and straightforward and will give some relief even in the most painful of infections. However, if the pain is particularly severe or if it has lasted more than 24 hours, you may wish to consider a guaranteed remedy which will get rid of the infection very quickly.

Firstly, you must ensure that the infection has not migrated to the bladder and there are various signs you can look out for. If you have any of the following symptoms, it could be that the infection has reached the bladder and you should visit your doctor as you may need urgent treatment to avoid kidney damage.

* Blood in the urine

* A high fever, possibly accompanied by shivering

* Pain the the middle of the back

* Severe pain in the lower abdomen

* Nausea

Providing that you do not have the above symptoms, you can try the following self-help measures which show you how to get rid of urinary tract infection pain-at least in the short term:-

* Take a warm bath

* Urinate when you feel the need to, even though this could be painful

* Place a hot water bottle on the abdomen

* Take a mild painkiller

* Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily

* Drink 2 glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice daily

* Take a vitamin C tablet to help strengthen the immune system

* Try eating live natural yogurt as the "good" bacteria can help restore the natural balance of the urinary tract

* Avoid synthetic panties and tight trousers

* Do not use perfumed products around the vaginal area

Why Not Antibiotics?

Although antibiotics have been widely used for urinary infections, there is an increased reluctance by doctors to prescribe them as much as there is a reluctance by women to take them! Doctors are concerned that bacteria are developing resistance and this causes them to mutate and become unaffected by them. There is a concern that bacteria are therefore becoming more difficult to treat due to the overuse of antibiotics. For the sufferer, antibiotics can cause unpleasant side effects such as yeast infections, nausea and diarrhea. It is therefore sensible to consider natural treatments whenever they can be used and in the case of urinary infections, natural treatments are often more effective.


kidney stone relief

kidney stone relief

These measures will provide some relief and may even cure mild infections. If you would like to know how to get rid of urinary tract infection altogether, there is an excellent natural remedy which is guaranteed to work very quickly and has no side effects. In addition, the remedy is suitable for all ages, both sexes and even for pregnant women. It can also be used by people taking other medication with no problems. Best of all, it works faster than any antibiotics-you will start to feel relief within a few minutes and most people are completely pain free by the following day. Click Here for full details.

kidney stones: flush kidney stone

kidney stones: flush kidney stone

Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com